Onks mul ADHD? Osa 1

Olen piirtänyt vähän pidempää sarjakuvaproggista, ja nyt voisi olla hyvä julkaista sitä muutaman sivun pätkissä.

(Unfortunately I won’t write translations or image descriptions immediately to this, since I’m posting more than three pages at ones. I can’t also promise when I’d write them.)

Kopio tiedostosta ADHD_1 Kopio tiedostosta ADHD_2 Kopio tiedostosta ADHD_3 Kopio tiedostosta ADHD_4 Kopio tiedostosta ADHD_5

Bouncy ball

Meille ilmestyi puoli vuotta sitten tällainen superpallo…

Six months ago, we got a bouncy ball…

Kopio tiedostosta Superpallo_1

Kopio tiedostosta Superpallo_2

(Image descriptions: First page has three long and narrow boxes. All of them have a peachy background color. On the first one, a round orange ball is flying through air towards ground. On the second one, orange ball is ellipse-shaped and flying towards ceiling. On the third one, orange ball hits brown platform with force.
Second page has one pig box of colour, without box lines, a little bit of peachy background and a lot of brown cover of the bed. On top of the bed, there is an orange-and-white colored long haired cat with wide eyes and big pupils, ears pointing almost horizontally into different directions and a tail up. Three of his legs are showing.)

Love story

Vuonna 2021 piirretty katselmus taaksepäin.

I drew this in early 2021 as a short looking back-comic.

For ones using image descriptions: everything in this comic is drawn/written by hand in ProCreate.

Rakkausstoori 1

A lot has changed lately, for better.
I went on a date on a island.
And it was a start of a love story.

(Image description: First page has a red-and-brown upper part and blue middle part.
Upper part has a red wall and a gravel road I’m walking on from left to right, looking up and smiling. I have semi-short grey hair with a bit of waves and black shirt, blue pants and grey shoes. I have a blue hat. On the right side there’s a text ”A lot has changed lately, for better.”
Middle part has a greenish small island on a sea, with a couple of birches, one red house and another yellowish. There’s also an info board. Above the island, it says ”I went on a date on a island.” Beneath this all, it says with bigger letters on white background ”And it was a start of a love story.”)


that went through first dates and
shoes that got wet at the swamp
to our home.

(Image description: Upper part of the second page has three little illustrations. Middle part has text and beneath it there’s another drawing. First drawing in the upper row has my girlfriend and me standing next to each other when we were on our first date. Background is blue and dark grey, as sky, sea and asphalt. Second drawing has wet and dirty grey shoes, another one on its side. Background is light brown. Third drawing has white hooks on grey wall and two set of keys are hanging from the hook.
Beneath it says
”that went through first dates and
shoes that got wet at the swamp
to our home.
Beneath the text there’s an illustration of us sitting on the sofa side to side, me leaning my head on hers and our cat laying on both of our legs. Our another cat is curled up next to me.)