Bouncy ball

Meille ilmestyi puoli vuotta sitten tällainen superpallo…

Six months ago, we got a bouncy ball…

Kopio tiedostosta Superpallo_1

Kopio tiedostosta Superpallo_2

(Image descriptions: First page has three long and narrow boxes. All of them have a peachy background color. On the first one, a round orange ball is flying through air towards ground. On the second one, orange ball is ellipse-shaped and flying towards ceiling. On the third one, orange ball hits brown platform with force.
Second page has one pig box of colour, without box lines, a little bit of peachy background and a lot of brown cover of the bed. On top of the bed, there is an orange-and-white colored long haired cat with wide eyes and big pupils, ears pointing almost horizontally into different directions and a tail up. Three of his legs are showing.)